Causes, Identification & Treatment

When there’s a significant drop in blood pressure, you can go into shock. This can be life threatening.
A loss of blood or body fluids
Spinal injury
Severe allergy (to food or a sting)
Severe infection
Rapid pulse, grey colouring, sweating
Nausea, vomiting, thirst
Weakness, dizziness
Rapid or shallow breathing
Loss of consciousness

Call for assistance from the emergency services immediately.
Treat any obvious cause, such as bleeding or burns.
Lie the child down with her legs higher than the chest and undo any tight clothing on the neck, chest or waist.
If the patient is unconsciousness or vomiting turn the patient on his/her side.
Put a blanket over the child to help keep her warm.
Do not give the patient anything to drink.
Check the patients breathing and pulse, and prepare to do CPR if needed.