Our service covers both trauma and medical emergencies in a
radius of 100km around Brits and Hartbeespoort. The area
covered includes N4 Bakwena highway towards Rustenburg and Pretoria.
Our Services
To name a few.
First Aid Level 1, 2 and 3 courses are offered at the HEMS premises in Brits or on the client’s premises on request.
These courses are accredited with The Department Of Labour as well as The Health And Welfare SETA.
Event standby services completes the portfolio of
services offered by Hartbeespoort Emergency Medical Service.
This service is tailored to the need of the client and is
offered at an affordable rate.
Our special projects are specifically tailored for corporate mining clients which includes:
Onsite EMS
Onsite clinics
Support occupational health
Emergency drills & Risk Assessments
Standby services

Our services are unparalleled, but don't just
take our word for it...
"The Best there is! Our 19 month old son had a near drowning incident. The team’s professional and
quick response saved our son’s life. We will forever be grateful for the HEMS team!"
Frikkie & Leandre Spies
21 Januarie 2016 – die dag toe ons lewens onherroeplik verander is MAAR te danke aan die HEMS
span is ons baie hartseer gespaar!
Ons is vas oortuig dat daar geen beter gekwalifiseerde persone is as wat daardie dag op die toneel
opgedaag het nie. Carmen is haar lewe te danke aan hulle vernuf, deursettingsvermoë, passie en
toewyding aan hulle pasiënte.
Dankie HEMS!
Gerna Smit